In case you were not aware, this site is also for cadets, parents and league members and provides you with access to policies, training resources, and activities. To access the cadet portal either google “Cadet Portal” or follow this link:
It will take you to this webpage.
Click on “Login” on the left side of the screen just below League Member. It will take you to the following page.
If you already have an account, fill in your login information and click “Login”. If you do not already have an account, click on “Sign Up”.
To sign up for an account simply fill in the required information and click on “Create Account”.
The following window will appear.
Follow the instruction and check your email. Once your account is verified you can go back to the login page, input the username and password you created and click “Login”.
From here you can access all of the policies, cadet training publications (IGS and QSPs), and other documents you may be looking for.